【同义词辨析】 2017-12-29 色彩color-tinge
color: is the ordinary and generic term for this property and specifically applies to the property of things seen as red, yellow, blue and so on as distinguished from gray, black, or white: gave the white room touches of ~. generic term通称,如fruit水果是通称
hue: may be a close synonym of color: flowers of many ~s; but suggests gradation or modification of colors: the many green ~s of spring. gradation递进modification渐变
shade: more usually indicates a gradation of a color or hue according to lightness or brightness: use a paler ~ of blue for the curtains.
tint: usually applies to color that is pale or faint or diluted (as with white): the rose ~s of the evening sky.
tinge: distinctively applies to color that modifies other color by mingling with or overlaying: embarrassment brought a ~ of red to her pale cheeks. mingle混合overlay重叠
color彩色: 最普通常用, 专指红黄蓝等彩色,而不是灰白黑,hue色彩: 和color同义, 或表示递进、渐变,shade: 明暗亮度的递进变化,tint: 灰弱淡的颜色, tinge: 特指混合或重叠于其他颜色的颜色
记忆方法:1)首字母比较好记,CHS TT想成橙黄色图腾<==色彩
2)色彩的意思是光线中物体的一个属性mean a property of a visible thing that is recognizable in the light. 首字母比较好记,CHS TT想成橙黄色图腾